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Adaptogenic Mushroom Coffee Anyone?

Adaptogens work to re-balance the body, and are especially great at reducing stress levels. Modern lifestyles mean the majority of us are suffering from chronic stress on some level, so it’s no surprise that natural stress reducing supplements are becoming more and more popular.

Classified as a super-food, #adaptogenicmushrooms have been the focus of more and more research in the Western world over the past 20 years. This ever growing body of evidence is supporting what traditional medicines have thought in the past, that these mushrooms have a huge range of medicinal functions, including anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, as well as being cardio-protective, immune boosting and even potentially cancer preventing and fighting.

We are totally addicted to the power of nature!

Meet our latest adaptogenic mushroom powders:



Available on the website (EU), and on pre-order for the UK + SA online shop!

Ever thought of mushroom coffee?

〰️ Brew your favourite coffee: 1 shot espresso, or 1/3 cup coffee

〰️ Add half teaspoon of #Reishi (for calm, relaxation, and sleep) or #lionsmanemushroom powder (for brain function and focus)

〰️ Add honey or a 1 cup dairy-free milk (such as cashew, coconut, or almond milk), or drink it as it is as we do!

Adding things like mushroom powders to coffee can offset some of the downsides of coffee, including jitters, acidity, and disrupted digestion. When adding mushrooms to things like hot chocolate, you’re simply reaping the benefits of the various kinds of mushrooms on top of the antioxidants in cacao.

Keep an eye on our newsletter for upcoming recipes and more!



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