Ramadan Beauty & Wellness Advice
In Ramadan the intake of all the necessary vitamins and minerals that one requires to have healthy glowing skin on both the inside and out are quite limited, therefore a good skincare routine is vital.
In winter everything feels way more brittle, dryer and chapped. Ramadan falling in winter can be seen as both good or bad...
Here's why:
•In winter your skin needs lots of TLC and it usually starts from the inside out with the things that you eat.
•The period between Suhoor (eating in the morning) and Iftar (eating at night) is only ± 11 hrs and 30 mins, so you can try squeeze in some water into your meal in the morning and evening.
•Fruits like watermelon which consists of 92% water, is a huge benefit when fasting but unfortunately it's a seasonal fruit so you'll have to substitute it with other fruits with a high mineral content like strawberries or pineapples.

What you eat also plays a huge role in the health of your skin so the healthier the better. Through the years of fasting I've stuck with the
four essentials namely Cleanse, Tone, Exfoliate and Moisturise.
The exfoliation is to remove dead skin caused by the lack of water intake, but a mild exfoliator is recommended seeing that you're going to exfoliate your skin more often than you're used to and you don't want to strip your skin from all its natural oils.
Moisturising restores the skin’s natural mineral levels and balances the skin’s oil production. During the day you come in contact with a lot of water, more than 5 times and after a while you can feel the impact it has on the skin.
You'll always feel it being dry. My best advice to combat this? A thick and creamy body butter or lotion to put life back into the skin and leaving it super soft and well nourished. Last but not least, to me the most important thing in my beauty routine is to keep my chapped lips moisturised in winter. Now to double on the harsh winter temperatures, you don't eat at all during the day which means your lips are bound to go dry. For this I
absolutely suggest a good hydrating lip-balm. You just apply it whenever you feel your lip-balm wearing off. It definitely stays put for longer because you don't eat or drink.
On a personal note, a lot of people are against the use of lip products in Ramadan but I personally cannot go without something on my lips.
Article Courtesy of Tasneem Thomas
Cape Town, South Africa
Beauty, Fashion Trends & Lifestyle Blogger
Author of www.citygirlvibe.com
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